Basic Requirements For Location Selection Of Children'S Wear Shops
First, site selection Significance
The correct choice of children's clothing shop site is the first condition to make children's clothing shop to make money. If you can find a suitable location, your store will have succeeded 60% or more. Therefore, what kind of location is the best position and how to choose the best position is operator investment. Set up shop One of the most important tasks before.
Two, store location
1. Children's wear Elements of location selection:
A is located in business district or large residential center.
B has the convenience to arrive.
C store visibility is strong.
D the rent is moderate and the lease is not less than 1 years.
The e pattern is the best in shallow type.
F area of 20-40 square meters (depending on the region can be adjusted);
G window facing street, wider and better;
H has no urban planning in the near future.
2, other matters needing attention:
A pay attention to the surrounding brand environment, do not be low-grade. brand Surround;
B pay attention to the yin-yang side of the street where the shop is located.
C pay attention to station location around the store.
D pay attention to the location of obstacles around the shop.
E pay attention to the stairs at the door.
3, the surrounding environment of shopping malls:
A a high-end shopping mall with strong business atmosphere, large passenger flow and high popularity.
B stores with the best visibility and best traffic volume.
C near famous shops (such as McDonald's, KFC);
D near large scale residential areas;
The e market has complete facilities and excellent performance in the same industry.
4, brand children's clothing store location conditions:
A pay attention to the floor conditions of the shopping malls, and the higher the floors, the fewer the people will be.
B pay attention to the choice of the middle island and the side hall of the shopping mall.
C pay attention to the surrounding brand environment, do not be surrounded by low-grade brands.
D choose the customary walking channel for consumers. Avoid the location of the pedestrian dead. It is best to approach the main elevator or main channel.
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